
Ten Foods for a Healthier Prostate

Men over forty-five are very much prone to prostate cancer and other prostate disorders. The prostate is the gland below the bladder and above the rectum. Its function is to secrete an alkaline, milky fluid that makes up 20-30% of the semen volume. It also contains some smooth muscles that assist in the expulsion of semen during ejaculation. If left uncared, the prostate can become enlarged or damaged resulting to severe health problems.

Prostate cancer is one of the many prostate disorders that threaten men. Though its incidence is very common to men aged 50 and above, there are cases of younger men diagnosed with the cancer. Genetics, diet, and medication and viral exposure are some of the identified causes of prostate cancer. Of these, diet is the one that can be manipulated and regulated to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. If there are foods that can potentially increase the danger of this disease, there are also foods that can help prevent men from contacting prostate cancer, as well as alleviating its effects. Here are ten foods recommended for a healthier prostate:


Soya contains loads of isoflavones such as genistein, daidzein and glycitein. These plant estrogens are known to stop the growth and development of cancerous cells. Accordingly, soy beans can lower the risk of cancer for men by up to 30%. Soya is used in many forms such as milk, tofu and protein powder. (image source)

Green Tea

According to a research in 2004, increased consumption of green tea can reduce the likelihood of getting prostate cancer. Green tea contains polyphenols which “mobilize pathways that actually halt the growth of cancerous cells”. They also play a crucial role in the growth of blood vessels that might eventually feed cancer cells.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale cauliflower, and brussel sprouts can reduce the risk of cancer for men by about 45%. These vegetables have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-cancer properties that can boost men’s body. Specifically, broccolis contain sulforaphane which is an antioxidant that enhances detoxifying enzymes in the body. Some scientists suggest that it is one of the strongest anti-cancer chemicals in foodstuffs. (image source)


Tomatoes contain lots of lycopene, and antioxidant and a carotenoid that gives them their color. In 2004, several studies have found slight reduction of developing prostate cancer in men who included tomatoes in their diet. However, a 2007 research disputed the previous studies. Still, the National Prostate Cancer Foundation says the earlier studies are still valid and continues to recommend that men eat plenty of foods containing lycopene.

Other foods good for men’s prostate are lycopene-rich foods like guavas, watermelon, and pink grapefruit, and many vitamin-E- containing foods such as wheat, nuts and seeds, avocados and several vegetables.


Flax is more commonly known in the production of linen material. Its seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lignans which constitutes a class of phytoestrogen that acts as antioxidant. Studies have shown that flaxseeds can prevent and slow the spread of cancer cells in the prostate in mice. Its effect on human needs further investigation. (image source)


Garlic is another excellent source of selenium and reduces the incidence of prostate cancer by up to 53%. It also contains sulfur-containing compounds.


One study showed that eating just 1/10 an ounce of scallions per day cut men's risk of prostate cancer by as much as 70 percent. (image source)

Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seeds contain zinc which can significantly reduce prostate enlargement.

Brazil nuts

Selenium is a strong anti-cancer mineral. Scientists say that 200 mcg of selenium per day can cut the risk of prostate cancer by about 50%. A handful of Brazil nuts is just sufficient to meet this requirement. (image source)

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has been tested in mice and it shows ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells in the prostate area.



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